Oregon Farm Labor Contractor Surety Bonds

Part of the licensing requirements in Oregon for Farm Labor Contractors includes posting a surety bond to the Bureau of Labor and Industries. Farm Labor Contractors typically employ individuals for the production or harvesting of farm products or gathering of wild forest products for a fee and may also provide board, lodging or transportation for them. This surety bond guarantees the Contractor will comply with all applicable state laws, as outlined in Chapter 183, which includes payment due to farm laborers. Bond amounts vary depending on maximum number of employees the Contractor intends to hire during the next twelve-month period covered by the license. Below is a list of applicable bond amounts:

  • $10,000 Bond Amount (0-20 employees)
  • $30,000 Bond Amount (21+ employees)
  • $15,000 Bond Amount (Camp Operator Endorsement)

Additionally, new applicants must submit the following items for have a completed license application:

  • Appropriate license fee ($150/Farm Labor Contractor License)
  • Completed application form (WH-37)
  • Current Color 2”x 2” passport photo
  • IRS Tax Compliance Certification
  • Oregon Department of Revenue Tax Compliance Certification
  • Oregon Employment Department Tax Compliance Certification
  • Vehicle Information Sheet (WH-150)
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker’s Compensation Certificate of Insurance

Additional details on the Labor Contractor License process can be found here in addition to all necessary forms.

Pacific Surety is proud to offer industry low rates starting at 1% annually for well qualified applicants and quick turnaround time for your Oregon Farm Labor Contractor Surety Bonds. Feel free to complete our simple application to obtain an approval within hours. If you have any specific questions, please contact our knowledgeable underwriting staff.

Surety Bond Name

Bond Limit

Farm Labor Contractor Surety Bonds – Oregon